NAME: Kevin
LOCATION: Sultan's Market, Wicker Park
I got this, uh... it's one of the shirts I got from like the one-dollar rack at, like ... I think it was the Brown Elephant. And, uh, I liked it so much even though it already has pre-existing pit stains. But you know whoever got rid of it clearly saw the potential in it. You know, it's pretty ratty. It's really just one of those shirts I like to wear because I expect to get laid. I expect to get fucked when I wear this shirt. Not like, you know, I wear this, like, "Oh, I'm totally gonna get fucked tonight." But it's: "I'm going to get fucked tonight because I'm wearing this shirt. Because of this shirt." I look at me in the mirror, and I think, "I would fuck me." Just because of this shirt. And only because of this shirt.
So that's what - also, it's just pretty cool. I like looking at it and imagining where the Indian is.
Where do you imagine the Indian to be?
I don't know. I think it's like, after a nuclear bomb or something. I don't really know. That's for you to decide. I guess.
Have you ever gotten laid in this shirt?
No. Not once.
Still the best.